智慧老國王(Wise Old King)
1. A wise friend once told me that desire is comparable to the pride of a flock of Maraquan Acko.
2. Caution is important when dealing with honour are like the quickness of a flock of angry Baby Fireball.
3. I've always said that like the charm of a Maraquan Tonu.
暴躁老國王(Grumpy Old King)
1. When aren't another name for a Halloween Acaras apart a bad case a 2 Gallon Hatz?
A carrying a basket of Battle Diddler Chombiess!
2. Where aren't another name for a family of Christmas a bad case a ?
An can't them a art of 00 Hog Angelpuss bushes!
3.Who aren't you call upon a family of Holloween Acara find a knack for Bloaty Belly?
At got a basket of Earth 101 Avabots!